official pool rules | 2024
A One Time Entry Fee of $35.00 is required for all participants. This covers all 18 weeks of play ($1.00 per week), a $11.00 Bonus for end of year prizes, and a $6.00 Administrative Fee. Entry Fee money is due by TUESDAY, 9/10/2024.
Or by Check/Snail Mail:
Highly Preferred Method
Via PayPal to: t5a5c@hotmail.com or Venmo to Thomas-Clark-209
(Make sure the total value to me is $35 - Depending on how your account is setup - you may need to add the PayPal fee into the payment to ensure it delivers the full amount to my account.)
Tom Clark
5 Whalen Avenue
Sicklerville, NJ 08081
- Fill out the Pick Sheet each week (online) and submit them! -- Don't forget your Monday Night Football Total Points!
After you click the SUBMIT button, you will see the verification message that your picks have been submitted. It is highly recommended that you check your email directly after and make sure you received the Google Forms email with the detail of your picks submitted. You will need this in the event that there is a problem with the submission process. If you don't have a record and neither do I, they do NOT exist! You can also check the VIEW PICKS section each week before the Sunday games to make sure your picks have been registered.
NOTE - Picks are made using a Spread. (Ask someone if you don't know what that is, it's not too complex.)
EACH WEEK- The Winner(s) gets/splits the weekly prize amount. Winners are determined by the most correct games picked in the week. (Note - When a score falls even on the Spread Line - IT IS A LOSS). In the event of a tie(s), whomever comes closest to the MNF Total Points (Over or Under makes no difference) wins the week's prize. If two or more people have the same number or are the same points away above and below, they will split the week's prize.
The weekly prize will be $1 per pool participant.
50 pool participants, ONE person wins the week = that person wins $50.00 -
YEAR END - At the end of the year, the Participant with the best overall picking percentage will win 70% of the Bonus Money. 2nd Place gets 20% and 3rd Place gets 10%.
50 pool participants, Total Bonus Money = $600.00
1st Gets $420.00
2nd Gets $120.00
3rd Gets $60.00*If there are ties, I will combine money from the tiered spots and split that evenly amongst the top finishers.
Sign Up for the Pool ASAP and submit your $35.00 by September 10, 2024 to Tom Clark.
You must submit ALL picks in every week in order to be eligible for the YEAR END prize. Failure to submit picks in any given week will result in an 0-fer for that week. You may email a default picking procedure to be used if you miss a week for any reason (Example: All Dogs, All Home Teams, All Favorites, etc.). This can be done at anytime.
Check the PICKS section for the deadline for submission. On most weeks, it will be Saturday, but exceptions do occur.